Mentions Légales

¤¤START¤¤Editeur du Site¤¤END¤¤
WebSite Editor

Chatterie de l’Alantolie
12 rue Robert Schuman
72540 LOUÉ
Telephon.: +33 6 26 06 65 12
Siret : 346 344 284 00024
Code APE : Directrice de la publication
Patricia Boffy, The Breeder
¤¤START¤¤Patricia Boffy, Eleveuse¤¤END¤¤

Breeding in partnership 
with the SNPCC

A mediator may be offered to you in case of disagreement (only in France for this service)

Le vendeur désigne le médiateur conventionné avec le SNPCC : CM2C.NET
CM2C - 49 Rue de Ponthieu
75008 PARIS

Website Webdisigner :
Créa Cat'Design

Putting the site online :


Reproduction rights.The content of the site is protected by the intellectual property code, the legislation on copyright and related rights in the information society (law no. 2006-961 of August 1, 2006). 
Personal data. 
The information collected on the site is intended for the exclusive use of the Cattery de l'Alantolie In accordance with the “information technology and freedom” law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concerns you (article 34). 
You can exercise this right by sending an email. Intellectual property All content published on the site is the property of the Cattery de l’Alantolie or third parties from whom the exploitation rights have been obtained. 
Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part, made without the consent of the author or his successors or assigns, is unlawful (article L122-4 intellectual property code). 
The intellectual property code (article L122-5 CPI) authorizes on the one hand "copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copyist and not intended for collective use" and, on the other hand, subject to the mention of the name of the author and the source, “analyses and short quotations justified by their critical, polemical, educational, scientific or informative nature”. 
Any other representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, will constitute an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 et seq. of the intellectual property code. In accordance with the intellectual property code, every author has the right to respect his name and the integrity of his work. 
Thus, any use of content protected as a work by the intellectual property code must be made without modification and include the name of its author and the assignee of rights if applicable.